Health Has No Value Until Sickness Comes Vitalmends

Health Has No Value Until Sickness Comes

Psalms 103:2-3, says this: Praise the Lord, my soul and forget not all his benefits--who forgives all our sins and HEALS all of our diseases.

God does not directly give sickness to individuals. Sometimes, sickness and suffering are a result of the brokenness and imperfections in the world due to sin and the effects of living in a fallen world. In some cases, God allowed or permit sickness for various reasons, such as discipline, testing, or as a consequence of disobedience. For example, in the Old Testament, God sent plagues upon the Egyptians to demonstrate His power and secure the release of the Israelites from slavery.  In the New Testament, Jesus healed individuals who were sick or suffering from various ailments, thus, demonstrating God's compassion and power over sickness.

We should approach sickness and suffering with sensitivity--understanding and recognizing that God's ways are often beyond our comprehension. Because while He may allow sickness or suffering to occur, He also provides comfort, healing, and strength to those who are affected by it. Here are some examples of how God uses his power heal the sick:

1. The Blessing of Miraculous Healing: there are accounts of God performing miraculous healings, often through the ministry of Jesus Christ -- The restoration of sight to the blind, the curing of leprosy, the raising of the dead, and many other miraculous acts. Psalms 103:2-3, says this: Praise the Lord! my soul, and forget not all of his benefits-He that forgives ALL of our sins, and HEALS all of our diseases. Here, we see healing as one of the benefits or blessings that serving the Lord provides

2. Medical Interventions: God has also provided humans with the knowledge and skills to develop medical treatments and interventions. Through advancements in medicine, surgeries, medications, and therapies, God works through doctors, nurses, and healthcare professionals to bring healing to the sick.  Job 12:13 (NIV): "To God belong wisdom and power; counsel and understanding are his."

3. Prayer and Faith: Many people believe in the power of prayer and have experienced healing through faith. Praying for healing, seeking intercession from others, and having faith in God's ability to heal can bring comfort and sometimes even physical healing.

4. Natural Healing: God has designed our bodies with the ability to heal themselves in many cases. Through rest, proper nutrition, exercise, and self-care, our bodies can often recover from illnesses and injuries.

5. Supportive Community: God often works through the support and care of others. Having a loving and supportive community can provide emotional, spiritual, and practical support to those who are sick, which can contribute to their healing process.

While God can and does bring healing, healing is not always immediate or guaranteed in every situation. God's ways are mysterious, and sometimes healing may come in unexpected ways or may not be experienced in this earthly life. Ultimately, it is up to God's sovereign will and purpose.


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