If you were not redeemed with silver or gold, why are you focused on getting it? Vitalmends

If you were not redeemed with silver or gold, why are you focused on getting it?

If you were not redeemed with gold or silver, why are you so focused on getting it?

The phrase "We were not redeemed with gold or silver means" is a biblical reference from 1 Peter 1:18-19. In this passage, the apostle Peter is emphasizing the spiritual significance of redemption through Jesus Christ, contrasting it with the temporary and perishable nature of material wealth.

The full passage reads:

"For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your ancestors, but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect."

Here, we see our redemption, or salvation, is not achieved through material possessions or worldly wealth. Instead, it is through the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ, symbolized by his precious blood, that has redeemed us and set us free from our sinful ways of life.

Therefore, the gift of Salvation cannot be measured by wealth or material things. (ie, how much money we have, what we own, etc.) Rather, we should focus on the spiritual aspects of our lives and prioritize our relationship with Jesus Christ by :

1. Embracing the gift of salvation: Recognize and appreciating the significance of the redemption offered through Jesus' sacrifice. Accept this gift of salvation by placing your faith in Him and acknowledging Him as your Lord and Savior.

2. Pursuing a transformed life: As believers, we are called to live differently from the empty and sinful ways of the world. Allow the redemption you have received to transform your thoughts, attitudes, and actions. Seek to live a life that reflects the love, grace, and righteousness of Christ.

3. Prioritize spiritual growth: Invest time and effort in nurturing your relationship with God. Engage in regular prayer, study of the Scriptures, and fellowship with other believers. Seek to deepen your understanding of God's truth and allow it to shape your character and decisions.

4. Cultivate virtues and godly qualities: Strive to develop virtues such as love, kindness, humility, forgiveness, and integrity. Let the Holy Spirit work in you to produce the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) and reflect the character of Christ in your interactions with others.

5. Share the good news: As recipients of God's grace, we are called to share the good news of salvation with others.  So live in such a way as to be a witness for Christ.   Let your light shine and demonstrate His love and grace through your words and actions. Look for opportunities to share hope and transformation so that others can be found in Jesus.   

3 John 1:2 in the Bible. states: “Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers."

Here, John expresses his desire for Gaius to experience prosperity and good health in all aspects of his life, just as his spiritual well-being is flourishing.

The verse highlights the interconnectedness of our physical, material, and spiritual well-being.

John's prayer reflects the understanding that true prosperity encompasses more than just material wealth. It includes spiritual growth, emotional well-being, and overall health.

John's prayer emphasizes the importance of nurturing and caring for our souls. When our souls prosper, it can positively impact other areas of our lives. A healthy and vibrant spiritual life contributes greatly to our overall well-being and success in various aspects of life.

Thus, we should prioritize the health and growth of our souls, seek a deep and intimate relationship with God, thereby, pursuing spiritual prosperity alongside other areas of our lives, recognizing that true prosperity is found in aligning our lives with God's purposes and seeking His guidance in all things.

Finally, since our redemption is a spiritual reality, spiritual values is what should shape every aspect of our lives.  We should NOT prioritize accumulating and chasing wealth or possessions because where our treasure is, this is where our heart will be also.  We want our heart to be with our redeemer.   





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