She is a Keeper. Do Not Let her go. She is Your Life! Vitalmends

She is a Keeper. Do Not Let her go. She is Your Life!

Proverbs chapter 4 admonishes us to get wisdom and understanding. It states "wisdom is the principal thing BUT with ALL that you get, make sure you get an UNDERSTANDING.

He says, if you don't forsake wisdom, SHE will preserve you. If you love her, SHE will keep you. If you exalt her, SHE shall promote you. If you embrace her, SHE will bring honor to you by placing an ornament of grace and a crown of honor on your head. 

What Is It?

Wisdom is having insightful knowledge that fuel sound decisions, this insight is drawn from experience, and from placing yourself in someone else's shoes, and also by understanding the complexities of life.   For example, imagine a teacher having a student that is struggling with their studies: An experienced teacher with wisdom uses her deep understanding to guide and support the student while fostering growth and confidence. 

We are told with all our getting to make sure we get an "Understanding."   You may say, but what is Understanding? 

Understanding is the ability to comprehend information, ideas, or emotions, grasping their significance, and then forming a "clear and logical" perception based on that insight.

Understanding often requires empathy, critical thinking, and the ability to connect various pieces of knowledge in order to form an organized whole.

For example, imagine a person that is going through a difficult time, if you have an understanding of this, you will demonstrate it by listening and offering comfort.

We are strongly admonished in Proverbs NOT to FORSAKE her.
Who is "HER"? Her is Wisdom and Understanding!

So, in essence we are told not to "abandon" our life's experiences that have given us insightful information and the ability to comprehend and make sound decisions.

Don't abandon, YOUR ability to feel and understand what other people are going through.  

Don't abandon the ability to reason and analyze situations (i.e., use critical thinking) when you are faced with difficult decisions. 

Don't abandon the "ability to connect all of the pieces based on your "understanding" of the situation to form an organized and logical conclusion."

Rather, he says to "preserve" it. This means protect it. Keep it intact. Keep it in its original state. Don't allow it to become spoiled, tainted or misused!

You are strongly admonished to LOVE her. This means to have a hot and intense affection and emotional connection with her--a deep bond.

He goes on to say that when you do, SHE will make you delightfully appealing and attractive, adorned with elegance and poise. Her ways will place an ornament on your head that symbolizing royalty.    She will cause you to have long life.   She will elevate YOU to a higher position and level in life because Wisdom is a Keeper! Do not let her go! She is YOUR life!

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