You’re Doing It To Yourself Vitalmends

You’re Doing It To Yourself

Do you have low self-esteem? Perhaps it’s because you tell lies.   Did you know that lying significantly harms your self-esteem in several ways?

When you lie, you undermine your own self esteem!    Your self-esteem is the overall evaluation you give to “yourself” in your heart—your heart is the deepest level where “your” honest feelings are.

This level encompasses your confidence, your self-respect, and the positive perceptive you give yourself.

When you lie, you create these:

  1.   Guilt and shame:
  2.   Self-Doubt.
  3.   Fearful
  4.   Distrust in relationships
  5.   Lack of authenticity
  6.   Negative Self-Perception

All of these are diminishing your self-esteem.  If you want to have confidence and display a positive self-image, then your behavior has to agree with the overall evaluation you give yourself in your heart.

Lying undermines your sense of integrity.  It erodes trust in yourself and others.  And, it perpetuates negative self-perceptions.

It is vital to your emotional health and for you to maintain healthy self-esteem to strive to be honest and authentic.

Finally, Proverbs 6 —The lord lists seven things that He hates and deems them to be an abomination to Him: the second one is “lying lips” so stop lying!




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