Be In It But Not Of IT


Be In It But Not Of IT Vitalmends

Be In It But Not Of IT

Believers are admonished in Gods word to “Love Not The World.” This means to NOT be distracted, integrated, to embrace or be aligned with the world’s prevalent belief system.

Examples of this is : How to raise your kids, how to show love to your families, your education, etc. Have you considered that there are only three (3) things in this world?

They are (1) sensual desires (flesh and eyes) (the lust of the flesh and eyes. These use all five senses—vision, hearing, touching, smelling, and tasting. These when used overly excessive makes one defiled and unclean.

Then thirdly, there is the pride of life— an example of this is when one flaunts their luxury car, designer clothes, and lavish lifestyle, boasting about their material possessions, and education and doesn’t consider others. True believers do not conform to this way of living.

A mind that is govern by excessive covetousness produces only extreme emotional stress and in the end, physical death.

True believers live a life governed by gratefulness, love, empathy, kindness, truthfulness, gentleness and self-control. This produces a good stress-free life with peace therein.

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